13 September 2023

Risk and litigation interest assessment before starting litigation in the Netherlands

Category: Dutch legal proceedings

Before commencing  legal proceedings in the Netherlands risk and litigation interest assessment plays a crucial role in determining the potential outcomes and liabilities associated with a case. An in-depth analysis of various risks and the litigation interest significantly impacts the success rate of a judicial proceeding. This blog evaluates the benefits of conducting a sound risk assessment and research of procedural interests prior to initiating a Dutch legal proceedings.

Starting litigation in the Netherlands

The decision to pursue a legal case is never easy, and many factors come into play when lawyers advise clients on whether or not to proceed with legal action. One crucial aspect of this decision-making process is risk assessment, which is an essential tool for lawyers when evaluating a case’s strengths, weaknesses, and potential outcomes. That’s why Blenheim focusses with the client of risks and the litigation interest. Risk assessment involves assessing the risks associated with various aspects of the case, including liability, damages, jurisdiction, and procedural issues, among others. It is a critical step in the pre-litigation process, and our lawyers are skilled in identifying and addressing potential risks to achieve a favorable outcome for their clients.

The Importance of Risk Assessment prior to Litigation

Conducting a thorough risk assessment before initiating a legal process has numerous benefits. First and foremost, it helps our lawyers and clients make informed decisions about whether or not to pursue a case. If the assessment highlights significant risks, lawyers can advise their clients not to proceed, saving them time, money, and emotional stress. Its als may be the reason to try a settlement instead of litigation. On the other hand, if the assessment indicates a favorable outcome, the client can proceed with confidence, knowing that the risks are manageable and the rewards are worth the effort.

In addition, a sound risk assessment can help lawyers identify areas of weakness in their case, allowing them to take proactive measures to address these issues before they become a problem. This can include gathering additional evidence or testimony, preparing counter-arguments to anticipated defenses, or seeking out expert witnesses to strengthen their case. Identifying potential weaknesses before the legal process begins can improve the chances of success, as the lawyer can address these issues before they become a significant impediment to the case.

The Role of assessing Procedural Interests

Another critical aspect to analyse  is the understanding the procedural interests of the case involved. Procedural interests refer to the various requirements and regulations that must be met in the legal process, but also nog tangible interest such as cost, stress, emotion, etc.. Procedural issues concern jurisdiction, timing, evidence assessment and presentation, and the burden of proof, among others. Procedural interests are essential to understand as failure to adhere to these interests can result in the case being dismissed or the evidence being deemed inadmissible, among other consequences. In Dutch legal proceedings the Court will order the plaintiff to pay en statutory tariff to the prevailing party,. The plaintiff will not be ordered to pay the full legal costs of the defendant.

Identifying and understanding the litigation interests can be challenging, and our lawyers must be skilled in assessing these risks. This is where research becomes crucial, as conducting a thorough investigation into the procedural requirements of a case can help lawyers better understand the risks involved and prepare for them accordingly. This can include researching case law, reviewing relevant statutes, and seeking out legal opinions from experts in the field.

Assessment of procedural chances in Dutch legal proceedings

Blenheim very much focusses on sound risk assessment and research of procedural interests prior to initiating a legal process is essential to achieving a favorable outcome for clients. It involves identifying and assessing the risks associated with the case, including potential liabilities, costs, damages, expert advice, jurisdictional issues, and procedural requirements. By conducting a thorough analysis of these factors, our lawyers can make informed decisions on the chances in a procedure about whether or not to pursue a case and take proactive measures to address any potential weaknesses. It also may result in the start of settlement negotiations. Ultimately, a well-conducted risk assessment and understanding of procedural interests can significantly increase the odds of success in a legal proceeding.

Blenheim is happy to assess your case. Please feel free to contact us.