Debt collection

Is one of your debtors refusing to pay one or more invoices? Blehheim would be pleased to assist you with debt collection issues. Our lawyers are specialized in successfully collecting outstanding claims, even when it gets tough.

Three options for collecting a claim

It’s annoying when your company doesn’t get paid. With a team of specialized debt collection lawyers, Blenheim ensures that you still get paid. Our first step is usually to send the debtor a demand letter claiming not only the outstanding principal, but also all the other costs and interest to which you may be entitled.

If payment is still not forthcoming after the demand letter, we will further increase the pressure by:

The way a collection process is set up depends on several factors.

Levying a prejudgment attachment

We will consult with you ahead of time to discuss all your options for getting your claim paid as efficiently as possible. One of these options is to levy a prejudgment attachment on your debtor’s assets.

This might bring to mind a positive balance in one or more bank accounts, but also the claims that your debtor in turn has against trade and other debtors.

Levying a prejudgment attachment is usually an effective means of inducing a debtor to pay.

Collection proceedings before the court

Collection proceedings are pre-eminently a means of persuading a reluctant debtor to pay. We would be pleased to assist you with taking enforcement measures based on a court decision.

One option might be to garnish our debtor’s bank accounts or to attach or seize other assets.

Filing a bankruptcy petition

Another avenue that could be taken would be to file a petition to have your debtor declared bankrupt. Upon receipt of such a petition, the court will determine a date on which the bankruptcy petition will be heard.

Often, the mere prospect of bankruptcy proves to be an effective means of persuading an unwilling debtor to pay.

Why Blenheim?

Blenheim is a law firm that specializes in handling complex debt collection processes. Our partners are well-known in the legal community. They all possess specific expertise and have years of experience. The lawyers of Blenheim are pre-eminent experts in the successful collection of outstanding claims.

At Blenheim, you will not be faced with any unpleasant surprises. We are always clear in our communication and transparent about costs.


Do you want to know more about Debt collection?

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